Lily woke up early with me and asked if she could help with the blog. I said sure and handed her a book to read so she'd know what we were doing this week. :) Yeah, she can already read. I know, she's a genius!
Of course right now that genius is crawling off into worlds unknown and I need to go get her. Be right back.
This week I am going to be reading through Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George.
I was looking forward to reading through my copy of Passionate Housewives Desperate For God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald. I thought it would be the perfect book to start off my new commitment to be passionate about who I am again. Alas, I scoured my bookshelves and it was not there. Every time I read that book I get a little kick start, so I will be looking for it over this week so it can be my next book.
Moving on, I adore Elizabeth George. I have read through this book more than once, but because I want to get back to "living out God's plan with passion and purpose" (the tagline for the book) I decided to read through it again. I'll plop it by my Bible and read some in the morning when I spend time with God or when the kids take their reading rest in the afternoon and I go back to God's Word for some encouragement. It might even wait until I go to bed and read a bit to fill my head with something lovely before I go to sleep.
No, I am not in a habit of reading my Bible that often, but I am going to start today to work to make it a habit.
That is one of my projects this week. To get back to reading my Bible every day. Also, I want to get in the habit of trying to read a good, nonfiction (with some exceptions) book encouraging me in my walk as a wife, mother, homeschooler, or homemaker throughout the week.
Would you like to join me?
I know a lot of people are going through the 31 Days to Clean challenge. I am hoping to get the book at the end of the month. I have loved reading through blog posts as you work through the challenge.
It's so encouraging to see others on the same journey I am on.
Let's lift one another up as we face the day to day challenges of being Keepers At Home.
I've not read this book yet but my all time favorite book is "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. So encouraging.
Mrs. Patti, I recommend that book to every woman I know! I just love it! I also adore A Mom After God's Own Heart.
I guess I'm just an Elizabeth George groupie! :)
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