Friday, May 20, 2011

Family Day

Here I am dressed to my shoes again! Of course the location is not my home. Roy and I woke up both feeling, well, uggy. We decided that we needed a day out. Of course a spontaneous trip for our brood is usually a lot of work. Today was no exception, but a few hours later we were out the door. We decided to do a nature trail at a local park.

The first sign we saw was a warning about gators in the area. The kids were, shall we say, less than thrilled. LOL

Jonathan(5) announced to everyone that he was going to stay by daddy so he did not get eaten. Adrian (8) jumped at every sound. Kelsie (11) walked right behind me with her arms crossed over her shoulders. I thought she was going to jump out of her skin. She told me she was just making herself smaller.

Sigh, these darn city kids! :)

It was a nice day. A little warm but because we were close to the ocean there was a nice breeze.

I did not get everything on my to-do list accomplished, but I spent the day with my family. We made memories and grew closer together.

I did get my Bible study and prayer time in this morning and even read a chapter in my Elizabeth George book.

All in all I would call it a productive day.

What does your family like to do for spontaneous get out of the house days?

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