A blog for Christian women who are striving to live for Christ every day by loving thier husbands, loving thier children, being sober, discreet, chaste, keepers at home and obedient to thier husbands as outlined in Titus 2:4-5.
by John Abbott, 1833, Worcester, Mass.
Published by the American Tract Society
As I look upon my children I often wonder who they will grow up to be. I pray fervently for their hearts and souls. I pray that not only will they know the saving power of Jesus Christ in their live, but that they will live their lives wholly devoted to Him. I don't want my kids to think of salvation as fire insurance. We spend time in the morning pouring over God's word together. We spend time during our group time studying Who Is God? Last night we had a whole discussion about how our inward appearance can greatly affect our outward appearance. It's things like this that I hope will turn my children's hearts towards Jesus. No matter what though, I will always pray for my children, just as Mother Newton prayed for her dear John.
God is a God of mercy and grace. As my children grow I have seen times of doubt in some of their lives. I have seen one of my precious children question this God of the universe. It always sends me to my knees. I know I have to let this child grow up and make their own decisions. I know one day this child will go their own way. All I can do is give this child the tools and foundation to build their life on the ROCK. If they choose to move to sandy ground I will pray, pray, pray. I will never cease praying for my kids and I have told each one of them that.
Not too long ago, we had an incident where one of my children was battling a sin in their life. This child had hardened their heart and would not show repentance of this sin for any amount of begging and pleading. I finally looked said child in the eye and told them a mother's prayers never cease. I have seen some change in this child. While not the repentance I was hoping for I have to believe that they are working towards that just by the change in their attitude.
Cleaning my home and homeschooling are all important to me. Still, they come in dead last to my childrens' souls and relationship with our God. I would live in a messy house with ignorant children if it meant every one of my children could enjoy a lasting full relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful that I don't have to and that God has shown me that my childrens' hearts are receptive to the Word of God. I am thankful that I have time in my day to clean and homeschool and share Jesus with my children.
I just pray that my relationship with God is one that overflows into my home and my childrens' lives. Amen.
I am super busy getting the house together for Lily's party this week. I have some photos to share of the kitchen, which is not quite done. I had to revamp my schedule some, but it looks like I will still be done by Friday. Especially since my amazing husband agreed to take all of the kids with him tomorrow when he takes the big kids to piano. I will be rolling up my sleeves for sure during that time.
If I'm sporadic around here this week, please, know it's only temporary. :)